Ask Better Questions is a SuperPAC registered with the State of Michigan in order to push candidates to answer questions about their candidacy.
The initial impetus for this group was asking a local candidate for judge why she thought accepting endorsements from the police unions who would be bringing cases before her courtroom was a good thing. It may be the status quo (but for one police union, they had not endorsed a judicial candidate for 20+ years) but it’s high time to ask how it portrays you as an impartial judge of the law when the plaintiffs of the court are glad to have you, and you’re glad to have them.
Rather than respond, she blocked me. And then blocked my friends who asked the same thing, and removed our comments on her Facebook ads. Facebook requires political ads to meet certain criteria, and since we’ll be buying those to ask her the question in a way she can’t delete or ignore, we had to create a SuperPAC.
This isn’t the only question we’ll be asking, but it’s one of the big ones.